news & events
Annual Fall BBQ
Please join us for our annual fall BBQ. We would love to have as many parishioners as possible. No picnic tables. Everyone can sit at a table and share at the dollar. No more payments accepted via mail. Payment may be dropped off in the rectory office mail slot or dropped off at: Attn: Karen Kelly 3032 Rossmoor Parkway #8 Walnut Creek, CA 94595 |
Faith Formation Movie: “The Visitor”
Monday, September 23rd @ 1:00 pm - Parish Hall In a world of six billion people, it only takes one to change your life. Sixty-two-year-old Walter Vale is sleepwalking through his life. Having lost his passion for teaching and writing, he fills the void by unsuccessfully trying to learn to play classical piano. When his college sends him to Manhattan to attend a conference, Walter is surprised to find a young couple has taken up residence in his apartment. Victims of a real estate scam, Tarek, a Syrian man, and Zainab, his Senegalese girlfriend, have nowhere else to go. In the first of a series of tests of the heart, Walter reluctantly allows the couple to stay with him. Touched by his kindness, Tarek, a talented musician, insists on teaching the aging academic to play the African drum. The instrument's exuberant rhythms revitalize Walter's faltering spirit and open his eyes to a vibrant world of local jazz clubs and Central Park drum circles. |
Will You Serve At Mass?
We are short Eucharistic Ministers and Servers (Acolytes) for all masses. Please send an email to [email protected] for training and/or getting on the schedule. New and returning Eucharistic Ministers are invited to join the retreat that runs from 9:30 am - 12:00 pm in the parish hall on 9/11. Call the rectory office to register. Continental breakfast will be served. |
New Icon For Our Chapel
It doesn't surprise that an individual from our parish would step forward and donate the $5,000 for this icon. This person wishes to remain anonymous. As part of the renovation of our parish chapel this icon will be installed, along with the new monstrance. Hopefully all this will be completed before the Fall and Advent season. |
Whose Mass Is It?
A Seven Part Monthly Lecture Series September 25, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. St. Anne's Parish Hall As a priest I have encountered many Catholics and non-Catholics alike asking the same questions about why it was necessary to change the Mass. To some these changes were good and necessary and to many others the changes were disturbing and for some challenging. In many ways the changes were necessary to encourage people to fully participate in the celebration of the "Sacrifice" of the mass. My use of Fr. Paul Turner's book, "Whose Mass Is it?" is to assist me in explaining clearly to you what the desires of the Second Vatican Council's reasons were for these monumental changes to the liturgy. Please come join me for a seven-part monthly lecture based upon the Fr. Turner's book. When is the first lecture? September 25, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. Where? St. Anne's Parish Hall, 1600 Rossmoor pkwy. Walnut Creek, CA Please call Rachelle at 925-932-2324 to reservations. A good will donation is requested. Food and soft drinks will be available. - Fr. Leonard |
St. Anne’s Society News
We are looking for parishioners who may be interested in serving on the Society board next year. It is a small group of church members that does much good for our parish and other charities. Time spent is minimal ++ For more info please email Lupe Roberts at [email protected]. |
Text & Email Scam
Parishioners had been receiving text messages supposedly from Fr. Leonard, asking for multiple Apple Gift cards, or something similar. Fr. Leonard would not send text messages or email requesting for gift cards or money. This is a scam. Please delete those messages. See Fr. Leonard if there are any concerns. |
Holy Hour
Once a month on the 1st Thursday after 8:15am Mass, we will observe a holy hour, led by either Fr. Leonard or Fr. George. On those days, Eucharistic adoration will not take place. Holy hour begins November 10th, which is the 2nd Thursday, due to All Souls Novena in November. Let us spend an hour together in adoration. |
Grocery Gift Cards Still Needed
Please continue purchasing grocery store gift cards for the St. Vincent De Paul food bank at St. Mary’s in Walnut Creek. Gift cards can be dropped in the mailbox near the parish office window. Because of your generosity and love of our brothers and sisters in need we have exceeded more than $1200 in gift cards. Non - gift card donations can be placed in the bin outside St. Anne’s Church, near the courtyard entrance. Items needed are listed in the side of the bin and pamphlets are available in the church entrance. Thank you for your generosity. |
Food Pantry Donations Needed
The following non-perishable items are needed at St Mary’s St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry on a regular basis and are usually in short supply and not provided through the Food Bank:
Canned foods are provided through the Food Bank Donations can be placed in the bin outside St. Anne’s Church, near the courtyard entrance. Gift cards can be dropped in the mailbox near the parish office window.
We Need Your Help!
God has uniquely equipped every person in this Church with specific skills and gifts. As one family in Christ, we are tasked with utilizing these gifts within our church. Using your God-given skills as a volunteer is a fantastic way to serve the church. Volunteering has a spiritual benefit as well. By volunteering, an individual will often want to dive deeper into the life of the church. At the same time, they serve not only as a helping hand, but also as a witness of the Gospel message within the community. Volunteers are immediately needed for:
If you are interested in other ministries, you are always welcome to join. We encourage you to give prayerful thought and consider joining the ministries that are within your interest. |